9:00 a.m. Keynote : Towards a New Localism_Joel Kotkin Keynote
10:30 a.m. Concurrent
Spring Elections are Around the Corner_signs-of-trouble
Spring Elections are Around the Corner_Tips for Newly Elected Village Officials
Spring Elections are Around the Corner_Tips for the Interim City Manager
Economic Development Despite the State of Illinois
2:45 p.m.
Police Officer’s Emotional Health – handouts provided in session
9:00 a.m. Concurrent:
Emerging Trends in Employee Benefit Practices_Aleman
Unconference_Baird_SEC Steps Up Fraud Enforcement
Unconference_Baird_SEC Steps Up Fraud Enforcement_2
Unconference_MGP_Unleashing the Power of Your Communitys Data_ILCMA_Feb2017
Closing Keynote_The Big AHA_Uldrich