1:30-4:00 P.M.
Pre-Conference Session: Psychopaths, Narcissists, Bullies: Oh My! – Emailed to registrants on 6/6/2022
8:30 ~ 10:00 A.M.
Welcome and Opening Keynote Address The 4th Turning by Neil Howe
Generations and the Rhythms of History_Neil Howe
10:30 ~ 11 :45 A.M.
Round Table Breakout Sessions
Session 1: County Administrator’s Idea Exchange
Session 2: The Legacy Project/ WCMA Women’s Leadership Round Table: Navigating a Career in Professional Local Government Management South Shore Room
Session 3: Nuts n’ Bolts of Management Round Table
Session 4: Managing and Building Relationships
11 :45 A.M. ~ 1 :00 P.M.
Lunch & Business Meeting
(WCMA & ILCMA Nominating Reports & Elections) & ICMA Update
1:30-2:45 P.M.
Free Your Mind! Interactive Techniques for Critical DEI Conversations
3:15-4:30 P.M.
Breakout Sessions
Session 1: Staying Grounded in a World of Expectations
Staying Grounded in a World of Expectations_Cotter
Session 2: Developments, Incentives, & Growth, Oh My!
Developments Incentives and Growth
Session 3: Six Tips to Maximize your Budget for Public Infrastructure
Six Tips to Maximize Budget for Public Infrastructure
Session 4: Strategic Communications in the Instant Information Age
Strategic Communications
5.0 km round from Fontana-on-Geneva Lake – MAP OF 5K WALK/RUN
9:00-10:15 A.M.
Breakout Sessions
Session 1: Leveraging University Partnerships for Community Needs
Comm-Univ Partnership
Session 2: Cracking the Downtown Secret Using Local Assets, Arts, and Diversity
Cracking Downtown Secret_DePere
Cracking the Downtown Secret_Rochelle
Session 3: Think Your Users Won’t Fall Victim to Social Engineering?
Coming Soon!
Session 4: Readiness for Newsworthy Events: How to Prepare, Manage and Recover
Readiness for Newsworthy Events
10:30-11:45 A.M.
Closing Keynote: The Connected Leader by Colette Carlson