The ILCMA Member in Career Transition Program provides ILCMA corporate members (managers/administrators, assistant managers/administrators, and other voting members) with support services when one has been let go from one’s position. ILCMA has published a Guide for Members in Career Transition that explains the overall program.
Access the ILCMA Member in Career Transition Guide
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Definition of Member in Career Transition
- A member in transition is an individual who is an ILCMA corporate (voting) member in good standing with ILCMA who held a position in the local government sector.
- The member in good standing has separated from his/her employment either voluntarily or involuntarily.
- The member must be actively seeking employment by pursuing local government positions throughout the state and/or in other states, provinces or countries having members of a professional local government management association.
- A MICT accepting interim local government employment who chooses not to or is prohibited from actively seeking employment with other government entities, will have their eligibility for MICT benefits terminated at time of employment.
- It is the member’s responsibility to notify ILCMA staff that they have become an MICT, in order to receive MICT benefits. It is also the member’s responsibility to notify ICMA separately, if the individual is a member of ICMA.
- It is the member’s responsibility to notify ILCMA (and ICMA, if a member) staff if a permanent position is obtained.
- ILCMA always reserves the right to confirm a member’s eligibility for MICT status.