Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee – ILCMA is committed to promoting the values of inclusion and equity. The purpose of this Committee is to lead the Association’s efforts to address issues identified with input from the Executive Board, membership and member organizations to implement action plans that progress the Association’s goal to create, sustain and promote an active diverse and inclusive community/culture that provides a welcoming and enriching environment for all.
The committee shall be led by two co-chairs. There shall be a co-chair that is a member of the ILCMA Board, and a co-chair selected from the at-large membership of the committee. The committee shall be made up of a representative from each affiliate association and four at-large members. The term of the committee members and co-chairs shall be two years. A member may serve more than one term.
Committee Members:
DEI-Committee-2023-24_web.pdf (ilcma.org)