If you would like a position posted on the ILCMA website please send a position statement of one – two paragraphs (NOT A JOB DESCRIPTION) as a Word document or embedded in an e-mail to Dawn Peters at dpeters@niu.edu or Alex Galindo at agalindo@niu.edu. Please do not include any graphics or logos, just plain text. Ads will be posted until the deadline stated in the ad or for one month if no deadline is provided. The cost for a member community to post an ad is $50; the cost for a non-member community is $100. There is no charge for internship postings. If you have further questions please contact Dawn at 815-753-0923.
Village of Deerfield, WI, Village Administrator
Deerfield, WI (Population 2,454) Deerfield is seeking a dynamic and proven local government professional to collaborate closely with its elected officials and administrative staff to meet the challenges and opportunities of their growing community. Deerfield is an outer ring suburb of Madison, Wisconsin’s Capital, which is the second largest metro area in the State. The… Read More about Village of Deerfield, WI, Village Administrator